Dentures Facts
If you discover that you may be a candidate for dentures, it is likely you are not exactly ecstatic. After all, it means that you have lost many or even all of your teeth on an arch. Fortunately, we are here with some valuable dentures facts that will help you see things a bit differently. As your preferred dentist in Springfield, Chesterfield Family Dental offers a range of dentures designed to provide the ultimate in restorative dentistry.
Understanding Dentures
Naturally, among the key dentures facts we hope you take from this is that today’s dentures are far more advanced than those of earlier eras. In other words, these are not your grandparents’ dentures. Today, it can be impossible to tell when someone is even wearing dentures, they look so natural and don’t slip or fall out at inopportune moments.
Our dentures specialist is also going to review your options based on your conditions and needs. For instance, some patients only require partials while others need a full set of dentures. If you are like many, you may be transitioning from the need for partials to the eventual need for dentures, and we have solutions for you, as well.
Getting Dentures
Among the dentures facts we feel our patients should know is the fact that the dentures you receive are customized to your mouth. This is what ensures they look so natural, fit so well and perform so effectively. We are going to be very attentive to fitting your dentures and adjusting them, so you will never have to worry about removing them to eat and should they begin to cause soreness or perform badly, we will work with you to see if it is time to replace them.
Most dentures last around five to seven years – though some do last longer – and as this time approaches, we will ensure you receive a new and updated denture that is just as pleasing as the previous set.
Common Concerns
Of course, no list of dentures facts is complete without touching on common worries and concerns. For instance, many people worry that they won’t look or speak normally. This is something we are going to address as we fit your dentures, so don’t worry in the least. Our dentures specialist is also going to discuss issues like the use of a denture adhesive to help with your concerns. We also review the medications that might affect you, and what to do if you need emergency repairs.
As a powerful form of restorative dentistry, dentures are a wonderful option.
Contact Our Brea Dentist Office for Dentures
Are you eager to discuss dentures? If so, feel free to give us a call at our Springfield, MO office at 417-888-0771. You can also use our online contact form and one of our staff will get back to you promptly.