Pros and Cons of Dentures

pros and cons of dentures

You might have read that title and thought that dentures are not your idea of a perfect or even modern dental remedy. And yet, they are actually among the most reliable, advanced and effective approaches to restorative dentistry available. At Chesterfield Family Dental in Springfield, MO we encourage our restorative dentistry patients to give serious consideration to the pros and cons of dentures and to book a visit with our dentures specialist to help determine if they are the right answer.

Understanding Modern Dentures

As your chosen dentist in Springfield, we are more than happy to review the pros and cons of dentures, and one of the first pros we’d emphasize is that dentures are a totally customized solution. Made to your specifications, they are designed to look great with your particular facial proportions. No longer are dentures obvious or artificial in their appearance. Most people wearing dentures today will agree that few to any friends or family realize they wear dentures at all.

Another of the pros among the pros and cons of dentures is that they are a flexible solution. You can use them to replace entire bridges, but you can also choose them for just a few missing teeth. They are easy to clean and maintain; let you look, eat and speak like yourself; and economical as they need replacement only every five to ten years.

What are the cons in a list of pros and cons of dentures? There are actually few of them. This is because modern dentures fit well, rarely slip or move, and are not as fragile as they used to be. Other cons to consider is that they do not eliminate your need for further dental care, and regular checkups and even cleanings are essential. They also require a bit of time for treatment, with a few visits needed to get the right fit.

They do have an adjustment period in which you need to learn how to use them comfortably, but as a long-term form of restorative dentistry, they are a great opportunity.

Talk to Our Dentures Dentist to Learn More

Did this answer your questions and/or concerns about dentures? If not, give us a call at our Springfield, MO office at 417-888-0771. You can also use our online contact form and one of our staff will get back to you promptly.

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