Why Children’s Dentistry is Important

children's dentistry is important

If you are a parent, you know there are many milestones throughout your child’s life. One of the earliest “big moments” is when that first baby tooth pokes through their gums. And though it is a fun and memorable instant, it is also a sign that you may need to start thinking about pediatric dentistry. At Chesterfield Family Dental in Springfield, MO we are experts in children’s dentistry, and encourage parents to understand that children’s dentistry is important, and best started early in life.

In fact, as your chosen dentist in Springfield, we encourage you to have your child come in for their first visit around their first birthday. We can make sure that you are aware of how to keep their teeth and gums in good shape, ensure your child has a positive feeling about the dental office, and make certain that those baby teeth are coming in properly.

As you can see, there are actually several reasons that children’s dentistry is important, and none is really more important than the other. As an example, we feel that a major reason that children’s dentistry is important is that it sets the stage for better oral hygiene and oral health throughout life. Habits are very hard to form and to break if you make regular brushing and flossing a habit early in your child’s life, they can only benefit from it. The same can be said of general dentistry that involves dental cleanings and exams twice each year.

Another reason we believe children’s dentistry is important is that a pediatric dentist has the skill to see any signs of problems in emerging or full sets of baby teeth. Often, such issues may lead to more challenging issues once adult teeth emerge. Even some potential orthodontics issues can be caught early by a pediatric dentist, and though it will still require corrective treatments, it can also allow parents to get a head start on it, saving money and sparing a child extensive or difficult treatment during teen years or adulthood.

Schedule Your Child’s Next Appointment Today

If you are eager to provide your child with the very best oral health and oral hygiene habits, the trick is to do it as soon as teeth appear. Are you eager to begin? If so, give us a call at our Springfield, MO office at 417-888-0771. You can also use our online contact form and one of our staff will get back to you promptly.

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